Privacy Policy

7. Personal data protection policy and cookies

Processing of personal data

The Company undertakes to protect the privacy of its Users in compliance with the regulations in force and in particular with Data Protection Act No. 78-17 on computer technologies and civil liberties (“Informatique et Libertés”) of 6 January 1978 as amended, and Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“Regulation”).

In the context of operating the Website, the Company may collect the User’s personal data, including but not limited to:

  • last name,
  • first name,
  • postal address,
  • if applicable, company, business telephone number, business fax number, business e-mail address,
  • purpose for contacting the Company
  • IP and current location

Except upon our express request or invitation, you may not send or disclose sensitive personal data (e.g. social security number, information relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health status, sexual activities or orientations, criminal record, membership in a trade union, or biometric or genetic data allowing an individual’s unique identification) via the Website or by any other means.

Data about Users are collected, processed and stored in accordance with the purposes for which they were collected, with some of the information being mandatory and other optional, as indicated on the data collection forms.

The purposes of User data intended at the time of collection include:

  • Management of contact forms;
  • Management of message sending;
  • Site visit statistics;
  • Selection of content framework to serve Users based on their geolocation.

The data collected is intended for the Company’s exclusive use. In order to achieve the above purposes, the Company may disclose your personal data only to:

  • Employees of the Company, authorized by virtue of their functions and bound by an obligation of confidentiality;
  • Service providers and subcontractors performing services on our behalf.

The Company reserves the right to disclose your personal data to public authorities in connection with official requests, for national security purposes or when the law requires it.

Personal data rights of individuals

In accordance with Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, and the Regulation, you have the following rights over your data: right of access, right of rectification, right to deletion (right to be forgotten), right of opposition, right to limit processing, and right to portability. You can also define guidelines for the storage, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death.

For reasons relating to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your personal data.

To exercise your rights, please send a postal letter to the attention of the Company’s Legal Department (BALT SAS – 10 rue de la Croix Vigneron – 95160 MONTMORENCY) or an e-mail message to Please provide proof of your identity. We recommend that you send your letter/message in acknowledgement mode.

Subject to any failure by the Company to comply with the above provisions, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent authority.

Data storage period

The Company undertakes to store your personal data in a secure environment for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or for the minimum storage period provided for by the legislation applicable for civil and commercial matters in particular. Some personal data may be retained by the Company for longer periods of time exclusively for archival purposes, in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes.

Cross-border data transfer

When you give your consent (if required by law), your personal information may be transferred to countries other than your country of residence, including the United States, which may have different data protection rules than those in effect in your country. Contractual and other provisions have been put in place to protect personal data transferred to our subsidiaries or to third-party partners in other countries.


Taking into account technological developments, implementation costs, the nature of the data to be protected and the risks to individuals’ rights and freedoms, the Company shall implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data collected and processed and a level of security appropriate to the risk.

In the event that the Company entrusts data processing activities to subcontractors, the latter will be chosen for their capacity to provide sufficient guarantees as to the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures, in particular in terms of reliability and security measures.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to communicate your personal data in order to meet its legal obligations, and in particular if it is forced to do so by judicial requisition.

Cookies and other trackers

Google Analytics and Privacy

This Website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). To use Google Analytics, a site manager must insert an applet (JavaScript) in each page of their site. This applet collects and sends Google data on each visitor to the site. Google Analytics uses its own cookie to track visitor interactions.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of your personal data by Google. Google uses this information only for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website and compiling reports on website activity for the Company. The following data are collected and processed: the geographical origin of the visitor, their IP address, the date of their visit, the duration of their visit, the pages visited as well as the sequence of pages.

The processing conducted pursues a legitimate interest and does not infringe any fundamental human rights or freedoms. In order to ensure that the use of Google Analytics is compatible with applicable data protection legislation, in particular the CNIL’s position regarding cookies used to count visitors, The Company accepts to regularly review any changes to the terms of use of Google Analytics and, if necessary, to stop using this tool if such changes would infringe the fundamental rights and freedoms of visitors. If you do not wish to send your personal data to Google Analytics, you may download and install the module available at the following address in your browser:

Refusing cookies

To disable cookies please consult on how to do so within your web browser documentation
Cookie Policy

CF Geo Plugin

To make sure you only receive information on BALT group companies’ products approved or cleared by the competent government regulatory body for sale in your country, BALT uses the CF Geo Plugin, developed by GEOPLUGIN SAS.

The CF Geo Plugin tracks your location when you browse the Website. The information is reloaded every time you reload a page or browse a different page of the Website. The information recorded is not stored by BALT.

Balt Lab

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