Our Impact

Balancing progress and profitability with environmental and social responsibility

Balancing progress and profitability with environmental and social responsibility

We are dedicated to developing and manufacturing a portfolio of life-saving, high-technology medical devices for interventional radiology—all while establishing a culture of integrity, responsibility, and sustainability.

Our goals and vision

Working together to build a healthy and sustainable future for all

Right now, Balt is

  • Monitoring its carbon footprint
  • Reducing energy consumption per unit produced
  • Growing and supporting female leadership

Guided by the Key Principles of the UN Global Compact

We focus on the issues that are related to our business growth, finances, and reputation and are important to our stakeholders and aligned with our mission.

Good Health and Well-Being

As a pioneer medical device company, our goal is simple: to improve and save as many lives as possible through innovative, physician-inspired products.

Gender Equality

We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment that provides equal opportunity for all, including recruitment, training, compensation, and career advancement.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Balt actively creates inclusive economic growth that reduces environmental degradation and promotes safe, healthy, and secure working conditions for all employees.

Responsible Consumption and Production

We integrate sustainable consumption and production patterns to maintain efficient use of natural resources and substantially reduce waste.

Our Patient Stories

Olga woke up one morning partially paralyzed. She had suffered a stroke, a condition that affects 16 million people worldwide each year. If not treated promptly, a stroke can cause significant damage. Fortunately, Olga was treated quickly by Dr. Galdamez at a hospital in Valladolid (near Madrid) and made a full recovery, returning to her active life.

Tim Lawton’s doctors said his brain aneurysm was one of the largest they had seen in their careers. Hear the inspiring story of the early diagnosis and treatment he received from Dr. Alois Zauner and Balt Group technology—and how he was back to bicycling just two weeks later.

Our Actions

Together Our Unified Efforts Strive Towards:

Our Planet

Our commitment to protecting our planet includes
  • Measuring and reducing our annual environmental footprint
  • Assessing the complete life cycle of our products
  • Ensuring responsible recycling or disposal of waste materials
Protecting <br /> Our Planet

Our People

Our commitment to supporting our people includes
  • Celebrating the diversity of our team, customers and partners with diversity assessments and initiatives
  • Zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment
  • Promoting all health and safety regulations
Supporting <br /> Our People

Responsibility in

Our commitment to responsibility in leadership includes
  • Respecting and protecting human rights
  • Rejecting all forms of corruption
  • Ensuring product safety and quality
  • Maintaining the highest ethical, scientific, and clinical standards
Responsibility in<br /> Leadership
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